
A collection of tools to help ease the pain of tagging metadata


Bases: dict

A dictionary collection of Atom instances. When a tag is added, the tag for it is used as the key to the dictionary, the value for which is an Atom instance. When you key back on an item already in the dictionary the value of that Atom is returned. Thus, if you know a key ‘Artist’ exists, you can get the value of that tag by doing my_collection['Artist']


The list of Atom‘s contained in this collection

get(k[, d]) → D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.[source]
items() → list of D's (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples[source], source, **kwargs)[source]

Normally, you are only allowed to tag using a list of Atom objects. This function will allow you to provide a dict of metadata to be tagged via a Subler instance. Note: the same Atom limitations of valid tags will still apply

  • d – A dict of Atom data
  • source – The source file you wish to write the metadata to
  • **kwargs

    Any other keyword args you would like passed to Subler. Note: if you provide a ‘metadata’ field it will be merged with the data stored in d

Tools Examples

Below are some examples of how one might make use of the functions provided within the tools module.

AtomCollection Examples

AtomCollection‘s can be used to store Atom data in a dict representation.

>>> from subler import Subler
>>> from import AtomCollection
>>> metadata = AtomCollection()
>>> metadata['TV Show'] = 'Firefly'
>>> metadata['TV Episode #'] = 1
>>> metadata['Genre'] = 'Drama'
>>> s = Subler('/Users/Me/Movies/Firefly/S1/S1E1.m4v', media_kind='TV Show',
...            metadata=metadata.atoms)
>>> s.tag()

tag_dict Examples

If you’d prefer to not deal with Atom instances or an AtomCollection for managing your metadata, you can optionally store your data in a stock Python dict instance and still easily tag your metadata

>>> from import tag_dict
>>> metadata = {'TV Show': 'Firefly', 'TV Episode #': 1, 'Genre': 'Drama'}
>>> tag_dict(metadata, '/Users/Me/Movies/Firefly/S1/S1E1.m4v',
...          media_kind='TV Show')